
Tortilla Trail Lunch 4-Day 12 ppl KOSHER
Tuna packet - Bumble Bee 5 oz
Salmon packet - Chicken of the Sea 5 oz
Jelly (20 oz jar)
Apricots (24 oz bag)
Mango (dried, 35 oz or 2.5 lbs)
Apple (Fridge)
orange (Fridge)
GORP (4 lb bag - contains Tree Nuts)
hummus, KOSHER (6 oz. pack)
Nutella (26.5 oz jar)
Tortillas (12", pack of 12)
Clif Bars - Choc. Chip
Peanut Butter (28 oz.)
Crackers - Ritz Box 13.7 oz
Cheese - unopened package (Kosher)
Vegan Jerky - Noble Jerky (2.5 oz)
Gatorade Powder, 21oz Pouch
Lemonade Mix - 24 oz packet

Turkey & Munster BYO
Cheese - Munster
Tomatoes - slicing
Whole Wheat Bread Loaf
Peanut Butter
Jam (Raspberry)
La Croix/ Soda
Whole Grain Bread Loaf
Mayo Packets
Mustard Packets (Dijon)
Chips Individual
Cookies Individual
Mandarin Oranges
zip loc sandwhich size
zip loc gallon size
Turkey Deli

Tortilla Trail Lunch (ML)
peanut butter or equivalent in pb powder
Tortillas (12")
hummus, instant (dry)
Salami / Summer Sausage

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