Cheesy Hashbrowns, Backcountry (JY)

2 servings
hashbrowns, dehydrated
1.5 cup(s)
2.0 ounce(s)
Onion, Yellow (or rehydrated)
0.02 cup(s)
Bacon bits
3.0 tablespoon(s)
Salt / Pepper (to taste)
0.1 pinch(es)
Butter / Margarine
63.0 tablespoon(s)
hot sauce
1.0 teaspoon(s)

Recipe Instructions

From NOLS cookbook.
1. The night before, soak dehydrated potatoes overnight in cold (treated) water in ziplock bag or covered pot. (Or, in AM before breakfast, soak dry hash browns in boiling hot water, off the stove, in a pan with a lid, for at least 15 min.)
2. Drain off all excess water.
3. In fry pan, melt butter on medium high (don't burn butter), add hash browns and optional grated onion (which you've rehydrated for 10 minutes by adding boiling water).
4. Flip hash browns occasionally until crisp & browned.
5. Take off stove, add cheese and let it melt.
6. Let individuals season with salt, pepper, hot sauce.