18 servings
Celery Bunch
1.0 whole
Diced Tomatoes
3.0 can(s)
Bell Peppers
4.0 whole
Olive Oil
3.0 tablespoon(s)
2.0 whole
Vegetable Bullion Cubes
1.0 package(s)
5.0 cup(s)
Chicken Sausage
4.0 package(s)

Dietary Restrictions

Recipe Instructions

Add bullion to large pot. Bring to a boil. Add rice.
Reduce heat and simmer until rice is cooked. Add spices and tomatoes.

Chop all vegetables.

Cut sausage into pieces and cook over medium-high heat

Heat oil and sauté chopped veggies in a large pan.

Once cooked, mix veggies into pot with tomatoes, spices, and rice

Serve sausages on side if you have vegetarians. If not, mix them in.
If you have leftover cheese or sour cream from another meal, some people like to add these toppings.