BOAT Oatmeal Breakfast

1 servings
raisins, brown
1.0 ounce(s)
Salt / Pepper (to taste)
1.0 pinch(es)
Brown Sugar
1.0 tablespoon(s)
0.5 whole
1.5 ounce(s)
peanut butter
1.0 tablespoon(s)

Recipe Instructions

Boil twice as many cups of water as cups of oatmeal you're wanting to make. In other words, ratio of water to oatmeal is 2:1; 2 cups water for every one cup of oatmeal . Add salt to boiling water, then add oatmeal, cook on low for 1 minute. Take off stove, cover and let sit for 3 minutes.
Add raisins (optional dates) and brown sugar individually to bowls. Apple can be chopped and added to oatmeal, or eaten as a whole piece of fruit.