Pizza Dinner, Costco Food Court+Salad: Lodge (JY)

26 servings
Pizza, Costco Food Ct, 18", veg, meat, or cheese
5.0 whole
Salad Dressing
2.0 bottle(s)
0.5 pound(s)
5.0 cup(s)
green beans, fresh
5.5 pound(s)
1.0 gallon(s)
Power Greens triple washed (24 oz/bag)
36.0 ounce(s)
Tomatoes, Cherry
4.0 pound(s)
6.0 whole

Recipe Instructions

Call Costco Food court about 10 AM on the morning you want to pick up the pizzas. Order correct number of vegetarian, cheese, pepperoni, and combo (veggie, sausage, pepperoni) pizzas. That is usually all Costco Food Court has for selection. (Vegan and Gluten Free pizzas Costco usually has in their freezer section.)
Tell the food court what time you will pick the pizzas up and they will have them ready, all baked for you. If needed, you can keep the pizzas warm in your lodge's oven on very low heat (170F).
Just before dinner is served, sautee the fresh green beans (which are an optional addition to the meal) in a fry pan with olive oil and onions, or onion or garlic powder if you have it, salt, and pepper.
Assemble salad from the other vegetables.