[LC-CO] Pancakes, blueberry, Lodge (GR)

12 servings
Berries, blueberries (fresh)
2.0 cup(s)
pancake mix
5.0 cup(s)
Maple Syrup
12.0 fluid ounce(s)
Chocolate chips
16.0 ounce(s)
Eggs, Raw
1.5 whole
Butter / Margarine
0.4 fluid ounce(s)
12.0 tablespoon(s)

Recipe Instructions


1. Read instructions on pancake mix to make pancakes (ensure you make the correct number for the number of people).
2. Add blueberries to mix. (or other fruit or chocolate chips if you choose).
3. Heat small amount of oil in fry pan.
4. Pour pancake batter on fry pan in preferred sized pancakes.
5. Flip when many bubbles form on pancake.
6. Serve with syrup.
7. Put bowl of scrambled eggs out as a side dish
- Get gluten free pancake mix for gluten allergies or gluten free granola as alternative.
- Make sure you have all the ingredients for pancake mix (each are slightly different).
- Optional add butter.