Hi All! I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce two new exciting parts of Wholesum. The pandemic has disrupted much of the industry that we're here to serve (group events/outings!) but we haven't wasted a moment, and are here to introduce a virtual community space where we can all connect and share tips/tricks/recipes/ideas.
The Forum: This is a space for anyone in the group menu planning world (camps, outfitters, universities, caterers… you name it) to share advice, ask questions and connect. Feel free to post your own topics and comments as the come up! We'll also be here to provide some tech advice for best ways to use Wholesum.
Recipe Sharing: Many of you have been interested in what other organizations are doing when it comes to feeding clients. Well, we're here to announce a recipe sharing platform that will allow you to browse other organization's recipes and even import them into your own account. If you'd like to share your recipes as well, hop over to “settings” and turn on recipe sharing (we also recommend uploading a logo and company name in the “public info” tab.
Let us know in the comments if you have any thoughts!
Thanks! Stay healthy!
-John & Grace