Stuffing/Green bean casserole/Apple sauce

8 servings
Stuffing mix
2.0 box(es)
Cream of mushroom (15 oz)
1.0 can(s)
Beans, green (15 oz can)
3.0 can(s)
Mushrooms (4 oz)
1.0 can(s)
Applesauce (24 oz jar)
1.0 jar(s)
1.0 whole
8.0 tablespoon(s)
Onion, yellow
1.0 whole

Dietary Restrictions

Recipe Instructions

*Stuffing - Follow directions on box. Sauté diced onion, add mushroom, diced green apple. Mix into stuffing mix.
*Green beans almondine - heat beans w/ some of their juice. Add cream of shroom soup, white wine if you have it, and sprinkle w. almonds before serving.