1 servings
Cajun seasoning
0.13 tablespoon(s)
Celery stalks
0.5 whole
Chili powder
0.13 tablespoon(s)
Diced tomatoes
0.25 can(s)
Bell pepper
0.25 whole
Olive oil
1.0 tablespoon(s)
small shallot or onion, diced
1.0 whole
garlic clove, chopped
1.0 whole
smoked sausage
1.78 ounce(s)
tomato paste
1.0 tablespoon(s)
instant rice
0.33 cup(s)

Dietary Restrictions

Recipe Instructions

Heat olive oil in pot and add onions and garlic. Add other fresh vegetables if you have them. Add sausages and saute until brown. Add spice mixture, tomatoes, optional canned pimentos, and tomato paste. After a couple of minutes, add rice and 2/3 cups water. Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 min, season with salt. Finish when rice is done and liquid is absorbed.