10 servings
12.0 whole
1.0 pint(s)
Brown sugar
1.25 cup(s)
Whipped cream
1.0 can(s)
2.0 pound(s)

Recipe Instructions

10-15 apples, sliced ¼” thin
5 tablespoon oil or butter
5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2.5 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2.5 teaspoon ground cloves
10 tablespoons bourbon
1.25 cup brown sugar
5 cup granola

In an 8" or 10” cast iron skillet, over medium heat, saute the sliced apples in a bit of oil or butter until beginning to soften, about 5 minutes.
Add the spices, bourbon, and sugar, and stir to combine. Continue cooking until the sauce thickens and the apples are tender, 5-10 minutes.

add whip cream at end